A list of partners that contribute to GLOFAS.

  • The European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC) Manages the system and contributes to further research and development, rigorous testing and adaptations of the system.
  • The European Centre For Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Provides the medium and seasonal range weather forecasts used in GloFAS and operates the computational centre and the webserver. It further contributes to the research and development, integration to operation and supports data requests.
  • The University of Reading Contributes to GloFAS by providing research that supports the development of the HTESSEL land surface model, evaluation of GloFAS forecast skill and the integration of GloFAS model output with decision-making.
  • Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre Evaluates and monitors the GloFAS model in several flood-prone locations of the world, and uses operational forecasts to trigger action to prepare for flooding. The Climate Centre provides feedback on model performance to inform further research.
  • RIMES Provides technical support on verification of GloFAS products (at basin level) in its member states in Asia and supports GloFAS dissemination in conducting outreach activities in the region.

Additionally, GloFAS partners also contribute to the development of the service through regular engagement and outreach activities.