Parameter | Short-name | param ID | Type (Units) |
Canadian Fire weather index |
Forest fire weather index (as defined by the Canadian Forest Service) | fwinx | 260540 | Numeric |
Fine fuel moisture code (as defined by the Canadian Forest Service) | ffmcode | 260541 | Numeric |
Duff moisture code (as defined by the Canadian Forest Service) | dufmcode | 260542 | Numeric |
Drought code (as defined by the Canadian Forest Service) | drtcode | 260543 | Numeric |
Initial fire spread index (as defined by the Canadian Forest Service) | infsinx | 260544 | Numeric |
Fire buildup index (as defined by the Canadian Forest Service) | fbupinx | 260545 | Numeric |
Fire daily severity rating (as defined by the Canadian Forest Service) | fdsrte | 260546 | Numeric |
McArtur-5 danger rating |
Drought factor (as defined by the Australian forest service) | drtmrk | 260558 | Numeric |
Rate of spread (as defined by the Australian forest service) | rosmrk | 260559 | km s-1 |
| fdimrk | 260560 | Numeric |
US forest Service national Fire danger rating System |
Spread component (as defined by the U.S Forest Service National Fire-Danger Rating System) | scnfdr | 260561 | Numeric |
Burning index (as defined by the U.S Forest Service National Fire-Danger Rating System) | buinfdr | 260562 | Numeric |
Ignition component (as defined by the U.S Forest Service National Fire-Danger Rating System) | icnfdr | 260563 | % |
Energy release component (as defined by the U.S Forest Service National Fire-Danger Rating System) | ercnfdr | 260564 | J m-2 |