EFAS land surface data are all the maps required by the spatially distributed hydrological model LISFLOOD. They include information on the topograhy and the rivers (e.g. Digital Elevation Model, drainage network, location of lakes and reservoirs, channel width etc..) and on the land (typical on soil and vegetation). These maps are generally referred to as "static maps" and generated from European and global databases. A detailed description of LISFLOOD static maps for EFAS system and how they were derived can be found in  Arnal at al. 2019.

EFAS pan-European setup of LISFLOOD uses a 5 km grid in ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Coordinate Reference System (EPSG Projection 3035 - ETRS89 / ETRS-LAEA) with maps extent ranging from:

North: 5500000 (including Scandinavia)

West: 2500000 (including the Iberian Peninsula)

East: 7500000 (including Turkey)

South: 750000 (including Assuit gauge in Egypt)