Users can publish a case study to show and discuss applications of GloFAS medium-range forecasts, seasonal hydrological outlooks and monitoring products and propose improvements. Your user case will be published in the GloFAS home page under the Case study section. 

Benefits of sharing a case study are manifold: you can help to improve the service for all by demonstrating novel ways to apply the available forecast and monitoring products, since we might implement your methodology or part of it at the global scale. By highlighting errors or needs for improvement you can directly contribute to the evolution of the service. And sharing your case study with the broad community of users can lead to connections and collaborations - you can receive feedback, advice or even additional data from other users. 

The case study should follow the structure of a research paper, but should be very short and concise: 

  • Objectives 
  • Introduction of the study area
  • Data used (from GloFAS, GFM, and from other sources)
  • Methodology (optional)
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions 

It is recommended to use the GloFAS/GFM user case TEMPLATE for case studies which includes detailed instructions on suitable content. 

Interested users can have a look at the already published case studies here: 


  1. Was this part done (one comment in our document)?

  2. I combined the GloFAS and GFM template into one because they are identical in terms of content, wouldn't make sense to have two separate ones. Please note that we were refering to the contact form to submit the case study, but it's not possible to attach a file. I modified the instructions in the template.

    1. It is a good solution for now. In the near future the Web developers will set up a page that can be filled on-line.