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Departure from Zonal Mean_TEST
""" GRIB - Departure from zonal mean """ # **************************** LICENSE START *********************************** # # Copyright 2021 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms # of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not # waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as # an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. # # ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************ import metview as mv # getting data use_mars = False # getting forecast data from MARS if use_mars: g = mv.retrieve( type="an", param="z", date=20200101, time=0, levtype="pl", levelist=500, grid=[1, 1], ) # read data from file else: filename = "z500_an.grib" if mv.exist(filename): g = else: g = # compute departure from zonal mean dep = g - mv.mean_ew(g) # define contour style for z500 cont = mv.mcont( contour_line_colour="black", contour_highlight_colour="black", contour_level_selection_type="interval", contour_interval=10, ) # define contour shading for departures cont_dep = mv.mcont( legend="on", contour="off", contour_level_selection_type="interval", contour_max_level=50, contour_min_level=-50, contour_interval=10, contour_label="off", contour_shade="on", contour_shade_colour_method="palette", contour_shade_method="area_fill", contour_shade_palette_name="colorbrewer_RdBu_10", grib_scaling_of_derived_fields="on", ) # define coastline coast_dep = mv.mcoast( map_coastline_colour="charcoal", map_coastline_thickness=2, map_label_height=0.2, map_label_blanking="off", map_grid_colour="RGB(0.5,0.5,0.5)" ) coast = mv.mcoast( map_coastline_colour="grey", map_coastline_land_shade="on", map_coastline_land_shade_colour="RGB(0.8843,0.7567,0.5196)", map_coastline_sea_shade="on", map_coastline_sea_shade_colour="RGB(0.853,0.8859,0.9352)", map_label_height=0.2, map_label_blanking="off", map_grid_colour="RGB(0.5,0.5,0.5)" ) # define map view view = mv.geoview( map_projection="polar_stereographic", map_area_definition="corners", area=[0, -46, -0, 134], coastlines=coast, ) # define layout page_0 = mv.plot_page(top=20, bottom=80, right=50, view=view) page_1 = mv.plot_page(top=20, bottom=80, left=50, right=100, view=view) dw = mv.plot_superpage(page=[page_0, page_1]) # build title title_dep = mv.mtext( text_lines=["Z500 hPa - Departure from zonal mean"], text_font_size=0.5 ) title = mv.mtext(text_lines=["Z500 hPa"], text_font_size=0.5) # define the output plot file mv.setoutput(mv.pdf_output(output_name="departure_from_zonal_mean")) # generate plot mv.plot(dw[0], coast_dep, dep, cont_dep, title_dep, dw[1], coast, g, cont, title)