
We have downloaded the U and V components of the wind for mid-century and end of the century from the CMIP5 data. The daily data on pressure levels (https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/projections-cmip5-daily-pressure-levels) for U and V at 850 mb is having a lot of No data patches across the globe. Is this something that is a part of the model results?

Thanks in advance for the replies!


  1. Hi Vijay,

    Can you show examples of this and the details of the retrieval (e.g. CDS API script) you used, please?



  2. Hi Kevin,

    There are several no data patches in the 850 level for U and V component (The issue starts at 700 and it becomes very worse in 1000 level). The API request is also attached. Thanks!

  3. Hi Kevin Marsh , Do you have any updates on this?

  4. Hi Vijay,

    Apologies for the delay in responding; 850mb is ~1500m altitude, so I suspect the missing data areas are regions where there are mountains/high altitude land- hence data are not provided. As you go to lower pressures (higher altitudes), you should see the fields becoming 'complete'

    Hope that helps,
