- Are the t=0 forecast fields the same as the analysis fields?
- How are data interpolated/transformed to a lower resolution grid?
- How are Large Scale precipitation, Convective Precipitation and Snowfall defined in the ECMWF model?
- How are low, medium and high cloud cover defined?
- How can evaporation have both positive and negative values?
- How can the Geopotential height in metres be calculated?
- How to access the archived forecast data of the 06z and 18z HRES/ENS known as the High Frequency Products?
- Is the field surface pressure available on both model and pressure levels?
- Many fields have seconds in their units e.g. precipitation and radiation fields. How can instantaneous values be calculated?
- Visibility Parameter
- What are 2D wave spectra?
- What are the definitions of the radiation fields?
- What are the units of the fields?
- What is the 4DVAR analysis procedure?
- What is the direction convention for fields such as radiation and precipitation?
- What is the direction convention for the U and V components of winds?
- What is the direction convention for wave fields?
- What is the land-sea mask (LSM)?
- Where can I find the definitions of the Gaussian grids?
- Why does accumulated precipitation has sometimes negative values?
- Why does the Ensembles forecast not account for glaciers correctly?