A new upgrade of the CAMS (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service) real-time data assimilation and forecasting system was implemented on 18 May 2021.
This upgrade is mostly a technical upgrade but also includes a limited set of scientific corrections to the prescribed emission data sets that feed into the forecasting system. The main technical change is the switch to running the forecasts (but not the analyses) using single-precision arithmetic for increased computational efficiency. Resolution and data formats remain the same. The CAMS upgrade also benefits from the meteorological changes that are part of the overall ECMWF cycle upgrade, which for this cycle consist of the change to single precision. More information can be found at https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/COPSRV/Implementation+of+IFS+cycle+47r2.
The new system has been running for some months now and the CAMS Validation teams are assessing the output to ensure the quality of the analyses and forecasts. The main changes relate to the improved emissions treatment. A full overview of all the changes and their impact can be found on the page mentioned above. The validation report will become available from the CAMS web site as soon as the assessment has been finalised.

Further details available on our CAMS website: https://atmosphere.copernicus.eu/cams-upgrades-its-global-forecasting-system-0

Your sincerely,

ECMWF Support