EuroCordex is centred over Europe, MedCordex is centred on the Mediterranean Sea and cover adjacent land areas. Some (all?) MedCordex models also include an ocean model.

So they have an intersection? There is an easy manner to compare them?

Both domains overlap and simulations can be compared. The Euro-CORDEX ensemble is by far larger at 12km than the Med-CORDEX. So focus on this ensemble if you are interested in high resolution dataset or large ensemble. Med-CORDEX, because of the availability of coupled RCMs is mostly interesting if you want to look at scenario for the Mediterranean Sea or over areas influenced by the sea (islands, coastal)

Check this: Legasa, M. N., Manzanas, R., Fernández, J., Herrera, S., Iturbide, M., Moufouma‐Okia, W. et al. (2020). Assessing multidomain overlaps and grand ensemble generation in CORDEX regional projections. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL086799.


  1. You can find more information about Med-CORDEX simulations here and in the reference articles: Ruti et al. 2016 and Somot et al. 2018

    Not all Med-CORDEX runs are coupled but the use of fully-coupled multi-components Regional Climate Models is one the speciality of Med-CORDEX within the CORDEX family. Those models of new generation are called RCSM for Regional Climate System Model and sometimes RESM for Regional Earth System Models. In Med-CORDEX, RCSMs represent at high-resolution, at least, the atmosphere, the ocean, the land surface and their high-frequency interactions. Some of the Med-CORDEX RCSM also includes the aerosols, the rivers, the waves, the lakes and/or the ocean biogeochemistry. You can find information on the Med-CORDEX phase 1 runs here and on the on-going Med-CORDEX phase 2 runs here.

  2. For the comparison of overlapping CORDEX domains, I'm also advising Zittis et al. 2019