Do you have an idea for training you'd like to see provided by ECMWF or a topic you'd like to see covered in one of our training courses?

Leave a comment below and ideas will be considered for future training. 


  1. Hi, just couple of suggestions here from Singapore.

    • Many of the registrations are closed quite early. Would be great if the registration deadline (for Level-2 remote participants) can be extended further. We would like our operational staff to attend these trainings remotely but it is difficult if the registration deadline is closed so early.

    • Opportunity for some of the remote workshops to be tailored for Asia Pac participants (e.g maybe to start from 0800 UTC - 1200 UTC), with case studies more focused on Asia Pac/Southeast Asia region.
  2. Hi NEA MSS 

    Thank you very much for your comments, we can definitely look into your suggestions.

    Regarding the tailored remote workshop for Asia Pac participants, I believe this is something we can can do. Could you please let me know what kinds of things you would find useful for a workshop of this nature i.e. the ECMWF products you would like to have training on? Or which aspects of NWP would be useful?

    Thank you!