This confluence page provides a data catalogue for the SUMMIT 1.4 km NDJF seasonal run performed on the Oak Ridge supercomputer, which serves as a prototype dataset for the Destination Earth project.

The data is accessible via Polytope (see here) or via the ECMWF MARS Web API (see the data landing page and instructions here

Temporal resolution

The output is at 3 hourly resolution. For the purposes of this sample, steps [0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27] have been made available. The run start date and time is 2018-11-01, 00:00:00.

More model steps and output variables will be made available as required.

Spatial resolution

The output is provided on one of two types of horizontal grid, both of which correspond to approximately 1.4 km horizontal resolution:

  • O8000: ECMWF octahedral (reduced) Gaussian grid with 8000 latitude lines between the pole and equator (global)
  • TCO7999: ECMWF spherical harmonics with 7999 spectral components (global)

The grid type for each group of parameters is specified below.

Spherical Harmonics

Data on spherical harmonics cannot be compressed and has a significantly larger file size per field than data on the octahedral grid (around 120MiB compared with around 16MiB).

Prototype Dataset

Please note that the prototype is not yet optimised for serving such high resolution data.
Thus, retrieving data for all model/pressure levels for a parameter on spherical harmonics will lead to a very large file and long wait times (several hours).
Please only retrieve a subset of model/pressure levels for this data for improved retrieval times.

The data on the TCO7999 grid can be truncated or regridded to mirror the output resolution of the HRES forecast.
This is achieved using the following keywords:

To truncate to spectral resolution TCO1279 use:

  • 'truncation' : '1279'

To regrid the data to the octahedral O1280 grid use:

  • 'grid' : 'O1280'

To regrid the data to a regular lat/long 0.1/0.1 degree grid use:

  • 'grid' : '0.1/0.1'

This will improve the download time of the spectral data but reduce the resolution of the data.

Data on the O8000 grid cannot currently be regridded on-the-fly

Please note that data on the O8000 grid cannot currently be regridded on-the-fly and will cause the retrieval to fail.
This is because the size of the interpolation matrices for the O8000 grid becomes too large. A parallel interpolation system is currently in development to deal with this high resolution data.

Output fields

Surface fields

The parameters at surface level are provided on the O8000 grid and are as follows:

31ciSea ice area fraction(0 - 1)
33rsnSnow densitykg m**-3
34sstSea surface temperatureK
47dsrpDirect solar radiationJ m**-2
50lspfLarge-scale precipitation fractions
57uvbDownward UV radiation at the surfaceJ m**-2
58parPhotosynthetically active radiation at the surfaceJ m**-2
78tclwTotal column cloud liquid waterkg m**-2
79tciwTotal column cloud ice waterkg m**-2
129zGeopotentialm**2 s**-2
136tcwTotal column waterkg m**-2
137tcwvTotal column vertically-integrated water vapourkg m**-2
145bldBoundary layer dissipationJ m**-2
146sshfSurface sensible heat fluxJ m**-2
147slhfSurface latent heat fluxJ m**-2
151mslMean sea level pressurePa
159blhBoundary layer heightm
16510u10 metre U wind componentm s**-1
16610v10 metre V wind componentm s**-1
1672t2 metre temperatureK
1682d2 metre dewpoint temperatureK
169ssrdSurface short-wave (solar) radiation downwardsJ m**-2
172lsmLand-sea mask(0 - 1)
175strdSurface long-wave (thermal) radiation downwardsJ m**-2
176ssrSurface net short-wave (solar) radiationJ m**-2
177strSurface net long-wave (thermal) radiationJ m**-2
178tsrTop net short-wave (solar) radiationJ m**-2
179ttrTop net long-wave (thermal) radiationJ m**-2
180ewssEastward turbulent surface stressN m**-2 s
181nsssNorthward turbulent surface stressN m**-2 s
189sundSunshine durations
195lgwsEastward gravity wave surface stressN m**-2 s
196mgwsNorthward gravity wave surface stressN m**-2 s
197gwdGravity wave dissipationJ m**-2
208tsrcTop net short-wave (solar) radiation, clear skyJ m**-2
209ttrcTop net long-wave (thermal) radiation, clear skyJ m**-2
210ssrcSurface net short-wave (solar) radiation, clear skyJ m**-2
211strcSurface net long-wave (thermal) radiation, clear skyJ m**-2
212tisrTOA incident short-wave (solar) radiationJ m**-2
213vimdVertically integrated moisture divergencekg m**-2
229iewsInstantaneous eastward turbulent surface stressN m**-2
230inssInstantaneous northward turbulent surface stressN m**-2
231ishfInstantaneous surface sensible heat fluxW m**-2
232ieInstantaneous moisture fluxkg m**-2 s**-1
235sktSkin temperatureK
238tsnTemperature of snow layerK
244fsrForecast surface roughnessm
245flsrForecast logarithm of surface roughness for heatNumeric
3062lsplarge scale precipitationkg m**-2
3099snomSnowmeltkg m**-2
160198srcreaSkin reservoir contentkg m**-2
228029i10fgInstantaneous 10 metre wind gustm s**-1
228032asnSnow albedo%
228089tcrwTotal column rain waterkg m**-2
228090tcswTotal column snow waterkg m**-2
228141sdSnow depth water equivalentkg m**-2
228143cpConvective precipitationkg m**-2
228144sfSnow Fall water equivalentkg m**-2
228164tccTotal Cloud Cover%
228217ilspfInstantaneous large-scale surface precipitation fraction(0 - 1)
228218crrConvective rain ratekg m**-2 s**-1
228219lsrrLarge scale rain ratekg m**-2 s**-1
228220csfrConvective snowfall rate water equivalentkg m**-2 s**-1
228221lssfrLarge scale snowfall rate water equivalentkg m**-2 s**-1
228228tpTotal Precipitationkg m**-2
231001fzraweAccumulated freezing rain water equivalentkg m**-2
231002roweRunoff water equivalentkg m**-2
231003esweSnow evaporation water equivalentkg m**-2
231005pevaPotential evaporationkg m**-2
231010surfroSurface runoffkg m**-2
231012ssurfroSub-surface runoffkg m**-2
260015ptypePrecipitation typecode table (4.201)
260121kxK indexK
260123totalxTotal totals indexK
260259evaEvaporationkg m**-2
260509alForecast albedo%

Update (2023-12-08):

The following additional surface level parameters are now supported with ecCodes version of at least 2.32.1.
The parameters are also provided on the O8000 grid and are as follows:

3073lccLow cloud cover%
3074mccMedium cloud cover%
3075hccHigh cloud cover%
228131u10n10 metre u-component of neutral windm s**-1
228132v10n10 metre v-component of neutral windm s**-1

Parameter units

Please take care with units. Parameters marked in yellow are those that are typically disseminated in units "(0-1)" or "m" in the ECMWF operational output.

Layer-based fields

The parameters on "levtype=sol", i.e. those produced from layer-based models (such as soil and ice layers), on the O8000 grid are as follows:

260199vswVolumetric soil moisturem**3 m**-31,2,3,4
260360sotSoil temperatureK1,2,3,4

Update (2023-12-08):

The following additional layer-based parameters are now supported with ecCodes version of at least 2.32.1.
The parameters are also provided on the O8000 grid and are as follows:

262024sitSea ice temperatureK1,2,3,4

Model level fields

The parameters on model levels (1 to 137; with model level 137 representing the lowest height), on the O8000 grid are as follows:

75crwcSpecific rain water contentkg kg**-1
76cswcSpecific snow water contentkg kg**-1
133qSpecific humiditykg kg**-1
246clwcSpecific cloud liquid water contentkg kg**-1
247ciwcSpecific cloud ice water contentkg kg**-1
248ccFraction of cloud cover(0 - 1)

The parameters on model levels (1 to 137; with model level 137 representing the lowest height), on the TCO7999 grid are as follows:

77etadotEta-coordinate vertical velocitys**-1
129zGeopotentialm**2 s**-2
138voVorticity (relative)s**-1
152lnspLogarithm of surface pressureNumeric
260238wzGeometric vertical velocitym s**-1

Pressure level fields

The parameters on pressure levels (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000), on the O8000 grid are as follows:

60pvPotential vorticityK m**2 kg**-1 s**-1
133qSpecific humiditykg kg**-1

The parameters on pressure levels (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 700, 850, 925, 1000), on the TCO7999 grid are as follows:

129zGeopotentialm**2 s**-2
135wVertical velocityPa s**-1
138voVorticity (relative)s**-1
157rRelative humidity%
260238wzGeometric vertical velocitym s**-1
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