I'm reading some NaN values for ERA5-Land Solar Surface Radiation Downwards on 2018/08/27 
at location (32.3, -86.9) from 0 - 6 hours. I think I downloaded this data previously and
and it did not contain NaN values, so I was wondering if these are intended to be blank?

from GRIB file
In [8]: xarray.open_dataset("/tmp/solar_201808_32.3_-86.9.grib", engine="cfgrib").ssrd.sel(
latitude=32.3, longitude=-86.9, time="2018-08-27")
<xarray.DataArray 'ssrd' (step: 24)>
array([9.998750e+03, nan, nan, nan, nan,
1.000000e+04, 1.000000e+04, 1.000000e+04, 1.000000e+04, 1.000000e+04,
1.000000e+04, 8.096800e+04, 6.839000e+05, 2.008996e+06, 4.061476e+06,
6.352708e+06, 9.096770e+06, 1.135856e+07, 1.347785e+07, 1.585578e+07,
1.767849e+07, 1.907706e+07, 2.003201e+07, 2.035096e+07], dtype=float32)

from netCDF file

In [20]: xarray.open_dataset("/tmp/solar_201808_32.3_-86.9.nc").ssrd.sel(
latitude=32.3, longitude=-86.9, time=pandas.date_range(datetime.date(2018, 8, 27),
datetime.date(2018, 8, 28), freq="H"))
<xarray.DataArray 'ssrd' (time: 25)>
array([2.199908e+07, 1.014600e+04, nan, nan, nan,
nan, 1.014600e+04, 1.014600e+04, 1.014600e+04, 1.014600e+04,
1.014600e+04, 1.014600e+04, 8.107800e+04, 6.838120e+05, 2.009003e+06,
4.061529e+06, 6.352746e+06, 9.096953e+06, 1.135852e+07, 1.347785e+07,
1.585576e+07, 1.767860e+07, 1.907698e+07, 2.003212e+07, 2.035113e+07],


  1. I am also seeing the NaN values in the first 6 hours of ERA5-Land data. Every single forecast, the first 6 hours have a handful of extra NaN values for SSRD. Has any reason for this been given?

    1. hi Cathryn,

      can you share the request you used to retrieve the data, please?



      1.     c.retrieve(
                'variable': [
                    '10m_u_component_of_wind', '10m_v_component_of_wind', '2m_dewpoint_temperature',
                    '2m_temperature', 'snow_depth', 'snowfall',
                    'snowmelt', 'surface_net_solar_radiation', 'surface_pressure',
                    'surface_solar_radiation_downwards', 'total_precipitation',
                'year': 2010,
                'month': 01,
                'day': 02,
                'time': [
                    '00:00', '01:00', '02:00',
                    '03:00', '04:00', '05:00',
                    '06:00', '07:00', '08:00',
                    '09:00', '10:00', '11:00',
                    '12:00', '13:00', '14:00',
                    '15:00', '16:00', '17:00',
                    '18:00', '19:00', '20:00',
                    '21:00', '22:00', '23:00'
                'format': 'grib',

        1. Hi Cathryn, I ran your request for 3 variables (ssrd,tp,snsr) and the grib file contains

          % cdo info test3vars.grib            
              -1 :       Date     Time   Level Gridsize    Miss :     Minimum        Mean     Maximum : Parameter ID
               1 : 2010-01-02 00:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  6.7921e+06  3.3273e+07 : 176.128       
               2 : 2010-01-02 00:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.7855e+07  4.1079e+07 : 169.128       
               3 : 2010-01-02 00:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000   0.0016304     0.31887 : 228.128       
               4 : 2010-01-02 01:00:00       0  6483600 4270739 :      0.0000  1.5303e+05  3.7536e+06 : 176.128       
               5 : 2010-01-02 01:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  5.6068e+05  3.9311e+06 : 169.128       
               6 : 2010-01-02 01:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  5.8033e-05    0.020378 : 228.128       
               7 : 2010-01-02 02:00:00       0  6483600 4270740 :      0.0000  3.4324e+05  7.4105e+06 : 176.128       
               8 : 2010-01-02 02:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.1801e+06  7.7778e+06 : 169.128       
               9 : 2010-01-02 02:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00011777    0.036021 : 228.128       
              10 : 2010-01-02 03:00:00       0  6483600 4270742 :      0.0000  5.7390e+05  1.0709e+07 : 176.128       
              11 : 2010-01-02 03:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.8642e+06  1.1387e+07 : 169.128       
              12 : 2010-01-02 03:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00017909    0.046740 : 228.128       
              13 : 2010-01-02 04:00:00       0  6483600 4270743 :      0.0000  8.4012e+05  1.4075e+07 : 176.128       
              14 : 2010-01-02 04:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  2.6066e+06  1.5278e+07 : 169.128       
              15 : 2010-01-02 04:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00024377    0.054088 : 228.128       
              16 : 2010-01-02 05:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.1429e+06  1.7551e+07 : 176.128       
              17 : 2010-01-02 05:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  3.4072e+06  1.8949e+07 : 169.128       
              18 : 2010-01-02 05:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00030913    0.069972 : 228.128       
              19 : 2010-01-02 06:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.4840e+06  2.0565e+07 : 176.128       
              20 : 2010-01-02 06:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  4.2655e+06  2.2111e+07 : 169.128       
              21 : 2010-01-02 06:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00037486    0.087644 : 228.128       
              22 : 2010-01-02 07:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.8578e+06  2.3249e+07 : 176.128       
              23 : 2010-01-02 07:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  5.1730e+06  2.5103e+07 : 169.128       
              24 : 2010-01-02 07:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00044155    0.098348 : 228.128       

          Could the software you are using to view the data be adding extra (empty) steps at the start of the file? can you please share an example of the results you are observing?


  2. Sorry I responded to this last week but I guess it didn't go through. Your output is showing the exact issue. I've bolded and underlined the issue with the differeing number of missing values at different time steps. Is your land mask not consistent for parameter 176.128? We need to subtract off the previous hour from the current hour in this data in order to get an hourly value, it causes NaN values when the number of NaNs differs between timesteps.

    -1 :       Date     Time   Level Gridsize    Miss :     Minimum        Mean     Maximum : Parameter ID
         1 : 2010-01-02 00:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  6.7921e+06  3.3273e+07 : 176.128      
         2 : 2010-01-02 00:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.7855e+07  4.1079e+07 : 169.128      
         3 : 2010-01-02 00:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000   0.0016304     0.31887 : 228.128      
         4 : 2010-01-02 01:00:00       0  6483600 4270739 :      0.0000  1.5303e+05  3.7536e+06 : 176.128      
         5 : 2010-01-02 01:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  5.6068e+05  3.9311e+06 : 169.128      
         6 : 2010-01-02 01:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  5.8033e-05    0.020378 : 228.128      
         7 : 2010-01-02 02:00:00       0  6483600 4270740 :      0.0000  3.4324e+05  7.4105e+06 : 176.128      
         8 : 2010-01-02 02:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.1801e+06  7.7778e+06 : 169.128      
         9 : 2010-01-02 02:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00011777    0.036021 : 228.128      
        10 : 2010-01-02 03:00:00       0  6483600 4270742 :      0.0000  5.7390e+05  1.0709e+07 : 176.128      
        11 : 2010-01-02 03:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.8642e+06  1.1387e+07 : 169.128      
        12 : 2010-01-02 03:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00017909    0.046740 : 228.128      
        13 : 2010-01-02 04:00:00       0  6483600 4270743 :      0.0000  8.4012e+05  1.4075e+07 : 176.128      
        14 : 2010-01-02 04:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  2.6066e+06  1.5278e+07 : 169.128      
        15 : 2010-01-02 04:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00024377    0.054088 : 228.128      
        16 : 2010-01-02 05:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.1429e+06  1.7551e+07 : 176.128      
        17 : 2010-01-02 05:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  3.4072e+06  1.8949e+07 : 169.128      
        18 : 2010-01-02 05:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00030913    0.069972 : 228.128      
        19 : 2010-01-02 06:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.4840e+06  2.0565e+07 : 176.128      
        20 : 2010-01-02 06:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  4.2655e+06  2.2111e+07 : 169.128      
        21 : 2010-01-02 06:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00037486    0.087644 : 228.128      
        22 : 2010-01-02 07:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  1.8578e+06  2.3249e+07 : 176.128      
        23 : 2010-01-02 07:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  5.1730e+06  2.5103e+07 : 169.128      
        24 : 2010-01-02 07:00:00       0  6483600 4270737 :      0.0000  0.00044155    0.098348 : 228.128