18-06-2018 Usage statistics

A new page with UERRA data usage statistics was added.


2017-05-25 UERRA data portal

A dedicated UERRA data portal  for data discovery and smaller samples retrievals was made public at http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/uerra For any bigger data requests users are advised to use exclusively ECMF's  Web-API.


2016-10-13 HARMONIE/V1 production archiving started

The 1st production archiving of UERRA dataset (HARMONIE/V1) has started.  The data can be retrieved from MARS by standard ECMF's tools (web api, web MARS). The available parameters and access details are available here.

2016-10-12 Temporary MESCAN-SURFEX dataset archived

A temporary one year long (2008) dataset from MESCAN-SURFEX model was archived in MARS under expver=test. This dataset contains only few selected UERRA parameters and will be replaced by full UERRA dataset in the future. The data can be retrieved from the archive by standard ECMF's tools (web api, web MARS). The available parameters and important access details (corresponding MARS keys describing the dataset) are available here.


2015-12-31 EURO4M samples archived

All 4 EURO4M sample datasets (COSMO, HIRLAM, MESCAN, MO/4DVAR) archived in MARS for a period 2008-9. The data is accessible via web MARS catalogue under special datasets for users logged on using their ECMWF credentials only.

2015-5-25 1st UERRA newsletter