Set I - Atmospheric Model high resolution 10-day forecast (HRES)

I-i: Atmospheric fields

Forecast Runs (base time)Forecast step frequencyForecast Dissemination scheduleForecast Dissemination stream indicator*
00 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 93  to 144 by 3
  • 150 to 240 by 6
  • 5:45 --> 6:12
  • 6:12 --> 6:27
  • 6:27 --> 6:55
  • S
  • D
  • D
06 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 11:45 --> 12:12
  • S
12 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 93 to 144 by 3
  • 150 to 240 by 6
  • 17:45 --> 18:12
  • 18:12 --> 18:27
  • 18:27 --> 18:55
  • S
  • D
  • D
18 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 23:45 --> 00:12
  • S

Analysis Runs (base time)Analysis Dissemination scheduleForecast Dissemination stream indicator
00 UTC
  • 5:40
  • D
06 UTC
  • 11:40
  • 17:35
  • S
  • D
12 UTC
  • 17:40
  • D
18 UTC
  • 23:40
  • 5:35
  • S
  • D

I-ii: Time series of weather parameters (Post-processed Products)

(dissemination data stream indicator = A)

Weather Parameter ProductsTime available
12 UTC based18:55
00 UTC based06:55

 I-iii Tropical cyclones (Post-processed Products)

(dissemination data stream indicator = C)

Tropical cyclone productsTime available
12 UTC based18:55
00 UTC based06:55

Set II - Ocean Wave Model high resolution 10-day Forecast (HRES-WAM)


Forecast Runs (base time)Forecast step frequencyForecast Dissemination scheduleForecast Dissemination stream indicator
00 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 93  to 144 by 3
  • 150 to 240 by 6
  • 5:45 --> 6:13
  • 6:13 --> 6:27
  • 6:27 --> 6:55
  • Q
  • P
  • P
06 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 11:45 --> 12:13
  • Q
12 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 0 to 144 by 3
  • 150 to 240 by 6
  • 17:45 --> 18:13
  • 18:13 --> 18:27
  • 18:27 --> 18:55
  • Q
  • P
  • P
18 UTC
  • 0 to 90 by 1
  • 23:45 --> 00:13
  • Q

Set III - Atmospheric model Ensemble 15-day forecast (ENS)

(dissemination data stream indicator = E)

Based Forecast Time 06UTC

Time Available

Based Forecast time 12UTC

Time Available

Based Forecast Time 18UTC

Time Available

Based Forecast time 00UTC

Time Available

Forecast Day 012:4018:4000:4006:40
Forecast Day 112:4418:4400:4406:44
Forecast Day 212:4818:4800:4806:48
Forecast Day 312:5218:5200:5206:52
Forecast Day 10
Forecast Day 15
Derived products Step 0 to 240
Derived products Step 246 to 360

Set IV - Ocean Wave Model Ensemble 15-day forecast (ENS-WAM)

 IV-i: Wave fields

(dissemination data stream indicator = W)

12 UTC based Forecast time00 UTC based Time available12 UTC based Time Available
Forecast Day 007:0019:00
Forecast Day 1007:4019:40
Forecast Day 1508:0020:00
Derived products Step 0 to 24007:4119:41
Derived products Step 246 to 36008:0120:01

IV-ii: Probabilities

(dissemination data stream indicator = U)

12 UTC based Forecast timeTime Available00 UTC based Forecast timeTime available
Forecast Day 019:00Forecast Day 007:00
Forecast Day 1019:40Forecast Day 1007:40
Forecast Day 1520:00Forecast Day 1508:00
Derived products Step 0 to 24019:41Derived products Step 0 to 24007:41
Derived products Step 246 to 36020:01Derived products Step 246 to 36008:01

IV-iii: Extreme Forecast Index & Shift of Tails

(dissemination data stream indicator = U)

12 UTC based Forecast timeTime Available00 UTC based Forecast timeTime available
Forecast Day 019:00Forecast Day 007:00
Forecast Day 1019:40Forecast Day 1007:40
Forecast Day 1520:00Forecast Day 1508:00
Derived products Step 0 to 24019:41Derived products Step 0 to 24007:41
Derived products Step 246 to 36020:01Derived products Step 246 to 36008:01

Set V - Seasonal 7-month forecast (SEAS)

(dissemination data stream indicator = L) 

Forecast timeTime available
Forecast month 1-75th of each month 12:00 UTC

Set VI - Atmospheric Model Ensemble extended forecast (ENS extended)

(dissemination data stream indicator = F for real-time forecasts)

(dissemination data stream indicator = H for re-forecasts)

Forecast productTime available

Real Time Forecast


Re-forecast21:00 (Mon/Thu)
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