
The Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading, UK, have been using the OpenIFS model as a teaching tool for Masters level students and have been encouraged by the enthusiasm of the students.

Read more here:

New member of OpenIFS team

We welcome Gabriella Szepszo to the OpenIFS team. She joins ECMWF as a graduate trainee from the Hungarian Meteorological Service for 1 year initially. Whilst here she will work on improving the provision of idealized configurations of the OpenIFS model as well as other topics, and providing support.


For more information on the OpenIFS 2017 user workshop, see the ECMWF news item here:

The OpenIFS team invited back to ENM / MeteoFrance for 2017 to repeat the successful forecasting workshop of 2016, along with ENM lecturers Frederic Ferry and Etienne Chabot.

Read more here..

5-9th June 2017

International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP),  Trieste, Italy


Workshop theme

  "Atmospheric Variability: Seasonal Predictability & Teleconnections"
      with keynote presentations and submitted contributions.


We invite abstracts on the workshop theme, related topics and other uses of OpenIFS/IFS in research and education, but also applications of intermediate complexity models such as SPEEDY.

The meeting will also be an opportunity to meet ECMWF scientists, and learn more about the ECMWF forecast model and research.


Young scientists are encouraged to apply. Financial support is available. Registration is free.
The meeting will include training on OpenIFS, with classroom activities on application of models to case studies of atmospheric variability and seasonal predictability.


  1  March 2017 - European Met. Society Young Scientist Travel Award
  31 March 2017 - if requesting financial support.
  30 April 2017 - final deadline for abstract submission & registration

  Fred Kucharski, ICTP
  Susanna Corti, ISAC-CNR, Bologna
  Paolo Ruggieri, L'Aquila
  Glenn carver, ECMWF



OpenIFS 2017 user meeting

5-9th June 2017

ICTP - International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
Organised by ICTP / University of L'Aquila / ISAC-CNR / ECMWF

Workshop theme:

Atmospheric variability: seasonal predictability and teleconnections

We are pleased to make the first announcement of the 4th OpenIFS user meeting to be held at ICTP, Italy. In response to feedback from previous user meetings this workshop has been extended. It aims to bring together scientists interested in the workshop theme and new, interested and existing users of the ECMWF OpenIFS models.

The workshop will include keynote presentations from invited speakers, contributed presentations, together with practical sessions.

A call for abstracts and more information will follow in 2017.

Meeting website: OpenIFS 2017 meeting

Please forward to interested colleagues

EC-Earth, a European consortium which aims to provide reliable climate information, will use ECMWF’s OpenIFS for the atmosphere–land component in future versions of its Earth system model.

Dr Ralf Döscher, the chair of the EC-Earth steering committee, confirmed the development during a meeting of the consortium hosted by ECMWF on 2 and 3 November.

For more information, see:

The ECMWF autumn 2016 Newsletter has an article describing the 2016 OpenIFS workshop held at Météo-France’s École Nationale de la Météorologie (ENM) in Toulouse in June 2016.

The article describes how the workshop made use of ensemble forecasts to study the interaction between Hurricane Nadine and an Atlantic cut-off low. The students on the workshop were able to explore ECMWF forecasts and analyses to understand the impact of this interaction on the forecast during the HyMeX campaign. The workshop was very successful. For more details please see the newsletter article.


A workshop on numerical and computational methods for simulation of all-scale geophysical flows was held at ECMWF, 3-6 October 2016.

The workshop brought together scientists working on the various aspects of model development on a variety of topics.

Eoghan Harney from University College Dublin gave a presentation on the novel approach of using Laplacian transforms for timestepping. This work uses the OpenIFS model in a shallow-water configuration.

The presentation (PDF) is available from the workshop webpage.

A Polar Prediction School for early career scientists from around the world was held in April 2016 at the Abisko Scientific Research Station in northern Sweden.

The school brought together PhD students and early career researchers from different countries for theoretical lectures and practical exercises. The exercises made use of the OpenIFS Single Column Model (SCM) running in a Linux Virtual Machine on participants laptops. The SCM virtual machine was provided by the OpenIFS team at ECMWF and adapted for the school by the University of Stockholm.

An article describing the workshop has appeared online in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society and can be found online at:
Published Online: 26 September 2016

The European Meteorological Society's 2016 conference was held in Trieste, Italy, from 12-16 September 2016.

There were several presentations involving OpenIFS:

  • Factors affecting atmospheric vertical motions as analyzed with a generalized omega equation and OpenIFS model: a statistical study,
    Oleg Stepanyuk, Jouni Räisänen, Victoria Sinclair, and Heikki Järvinen,
  • Do tropical sea surface temperatures affect polewards moisture transport and precipitation in the extra-tropics?
    Victoria Sinclair and Jennifer Catto,
  • The ECMWF OpenIFS model and reduced numerical precision in weather forecasting
    Glenn Carver, Filip Váňa, Simon Lang, Martin Leutbecher, Deborah Salmond, Peter Dueben, and Tim Palmer
    Abstract (PDF)

Twenty-two postgraduate students from France’s École Nationale de la Météorologie (ENM) used ECMWF’s OpenIFS model in a workshop on ensemble forecasts held in Toulouse from 7 to 9 June 2016.

See ECMWF News item for more information...

Licensed users can obtain the code from the ftp site.

Interested users without a licence should see the Request OpenIFS license for more information.

For more information, please see the OpenIFS Releases page.


The OpenIFS team would like to acknowledge the research and support of ECMWF scientists involved in this release.