From version 000400 Emoslib uses CMake to manage the build environment.
Emoslib 4.0.7
- added bufr_decode_all and modified bufr_add_bias to process subtype 182
[EMOS-106] - static memory allocation reduced significantly (BSS)
- Support to convert octahedral grids to reduced Gaussian (conversion to LatLong and full Gaussian grid works since 000395)
Bug Fixes
improved grib_api detection
improved initialization of variables (thank you, Dr Arndt Meier)
Emoslib 4.0.6
Bug Fixes
Fixed cleaning of variable state across multiple interpolations (on requests mixing new & not new CY41R1 LSM, for rotated LL requests).
Do not cache the LSM, ensuring specially crafted cases do not mix LSM resolutions (for rotated LL requests).
Emoslib 4.0.3
This version of libemos was tested against BUFR tables version 000404. Please check also changes of the previous version 000402.
- [EMOS-102] - When selecting "nearest neighbour" interpolation, use by default the new land sea masks (LSM) generated from the new (high resolution) climate fields in IFS CY41R1.
Emoslib 4.0.2
This version of libemos was tested against BUFR tables version 000404. Please check also changes of the previous version 000401.
- [EMOS-102] - Add environment variable to trigger non-default land sea masks (LSM) for rotated grids. (Please note, feature was changed in 000403)
- New environment variable EMOSLIB_DEBUG to request debug output. This variable can be used alternative to JDCNDBG and the variable can be assigned values 1 to 3 to give progressively more detailed diagnostics.
Emoslib 4.0.1
This version of libemos was tested against BUFR tables version 000404.
Bug Fixes
- [EMOS-12] - segmentation fault when interpolating wave parameters to 0.05 lat/lon
- [EMOS-68] - mars cannot interpolate fields to grid 0.1x0.1
- [EMOS-70] - wrong interpolation of wind direction as archived as a wave model parameter
- [EMOS-79] - libemos 400 - Problems finding interpolation tables
- [EMOS-103] - Broken installation of BUFR tables on workstations
- [EMOS-105] - Support build of single precision together with double precision
- [EMOS-113] - EMOSLIB fails to interpolate UKMO high-resolution fields correctly
- [EMOS-115] - LSM tables not found in default installation
- [EMOS-101] - Update BUFR tables to version 404
- [EMOS-109] - create a canonical list of interpolation tables and install them with libemos
New Features
- [EMOS-69] - Adapt interpolation for new CY41r1 wave parameters
Emoslib 4.0.0
Released internally 2014-12-02; Export release2014-12-03
From version 000400 Emoslib uses CMake to manage the build environment
Improved and more stable build system
Tested on various Linux flavours and Mac OS X
Double precision version is build by default
Further improvements for Cray compiler
Bug Fixes
[EMOS-49] - Fix handling of coefficient files in shared memory
[EMOS-91] - Removing blank spaces from the land sea mask value
[EMOS-96] - Disable optimisation for GRIBEX part - breaks second-order packing
New Features
[EMOS-81] Added grid N96
Upgrade BUFR tables to version 000401