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Tephigram from ODB Example
#Metview Macro # **************************** LICENSE START *********************************** # # Copyright 2020 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms # of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not # waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as # an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. # # ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************ # # station id statid="40417" # read db db = read("temp.odb") # run queries to get profile data f_t = odb_filter( odb_query : "select obsvalue, vertco_reference_1 " & " where varno=2 and statid='" & statid & "'", odb_data : db ) f_q = odb_filter( odb_query : "select obsvalue, vertco_reference_1 " & " where varno=7 and statid='" & statid & "'", odb_data : db ) f_u = odb_filter( odb_query : "select obsvalue, vertco_reference_1 " & " where varno=3 and statid='" & statid & "'", odb_data : db ) f_v = odb_filter( odb_query : "select obsvalue, vertco_reference_1 " & " where varno=4 and statid='" & statid & "'", odb_data : db ) # define query for metadata f_meta=odb_filter(odb_query : "select lat@hdr as lat, lon@hdr as lon, " & "andate, antime where statid='" & statid & "'" , odb_data : db ) # load temperature and humidity profiles into vectors t = values(f_t,"obsvalue@body") p_t = values(f_t,"vertco_reference_1@body") q = values(f_q,"obsvalue@body") p_q = values(f_q,"vertco_reference_1@body") # compute dewpoint from specific humidity (q) td = dewpoint_from_specific_humidity(q, p_q) # scale data for visualisation t = t - 273.16 td = td - 273.16 p_t = p_t/100 p_q = p_q/100 # define t curve t_vis = xy_curve(t, p_t, "red", "solid", 8) # define td curve td_vis = xy_curve(td, p_q, "red", "dash", 6) # load wind profiles into vectors u = values(f_u,"obsvalue@body") p = values(f_u,"vertco_reference_1@body") v = values(f_v,"obsvalue@body") # define wind x position in tephigram wind_x_pos = u for i=1 to count(wind_x_pos) do wind_x_pos[i] = 1010 end for # define wind visualisation wp = mwind( wind_field_type : "flags", wind_flag_colour : "evergreen" ) wind_vis = input_visualiser( input_plot_type : "xy_vectors", input_x_values : wind_x_pos, input_y_values : p/100, input_x_component_values : u, input_y_component_values : v ) # define the title dd=values(f_meta,"andate")[1] tt=values(f_meta,"antime")[1] title = mtext(text_line_1 : "TEMP sounding date=" & dd & " time=" & tt & " station=" & statid, text_font_size: 0.4 ) # define the view view = cartesianview( map_projection : "tephigram", y_automatic_reverse : "on" ) # define the output plot file setoutput(pdf_output(output_name : 'tephigram_odb')) # generate plot plot(view, t_vis, td_vis, wind_vis, wp, title)
Tephigram from ODB Example
import metview as mv # **************************** LICENSE START *********************************** # # Copyright 2020 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms # of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not # waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as # an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. # # ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************ # # station id statid = "40417" # read db db ="temp.odb") # run queries to get profile data f_t = mv.odb_filter( odb_query="""select obsvalue, vertco_reference_1 where varno=2 and statid='{}'""".format( statid ), odb_data=db ) f_q = mv.odb_filter( odb_query="""select obsvalue, vertco_reference_1 where varno=7 and statid='{}'""".format( statid ), odb_data=db ) f_u = mv.odb_filter( odb_query="""select obsvalue, vertco_reference_1 where varno=3 and statid='{}'""".format( statid ), odb_data=db ) f_v = mv.odb_filter( odb_query="""select obsvalue, vertco_reference_1 where varno=4 and statid='{}'""".format( statid ), odb_data=db ) # define query for metadata f_meta = mv.odb_filter( odb_query="""select lat@hdr as lat, lon@hdr as lon, andate, antime where statid='{}'""".format( statid ), odb_data=db ) # load temperature and humidity profiles into vectors t = mv.values(f_t, "obsvalue@body") p_t = mv.values(f_t, "vertco_reference_1@body") q = mv.values(f_q, "obsvalue@body") p_q = mv.values(f_q, "vertco_reference_1@body") # compute dewpoint from specific humidity (q) td = mv.dewpoint_from_specific_humidity(q, p_q) # scale data for visualisation t = t - 273.16 td = td - 273.16 p_t = p_t / 100 p_q = p_q / 100 # define t curve t_vis = mv.xy_curve(t, p_t, "red", "solid", 8) # define td curve td_vis = mv.xy_curve(td, p_q, "red", "dash", 6) # load wind profiles into vectors u = mv.values(f_u, "obsvalue@body") p = mv.values(f_u, "vertco_reference_1@body") v = mv.values(f_v, "obsvalue@body") # define wind x position in tephigram wind_x_pos = [1010 for i in u] # define wind visualisation wp = mv.mwind(wind_field_type="flags", wind_flag_colour="evergreen") wind_vis = mv.input_visualiser( input_plot_type="xy_vectors", input_x_values=wind_x_pos, input_y_values=p / 100, input_x_component_values=u, input_y_component_values=v ) # define the title dd = mv.values(f_meta, "andate")[1] tt = mv.values(f_meta, "antime")[1] title = mv.mtext( text_line_1="TEMP sounding date={} time={} station={}".format(dd, tt, statid), text_font_size=0.4, ) # define the view view = mv.cartesianview(map_projection="tephigram", y_automatic_reverse="on") # define the output plot file mv.setoutput(mv.pdf_output(output_name="tephigram_odb")) # generate plot mv.plot(view, t_vis, td_vis, wind_vis, wp, title)