What global solar UV index information does CAMS provide?

1 Comment

  1. CAMS provides a global solar UV index forecast (from the ADS), conforming to the WHO definition.

    UV Index data is available as:

    To generate this data, we compute the surface down-welling spectral solar irradiance in the range 280-340nm at 5nm resolution taking into account local surface albedo, aerosol, clouds and ozone in the model profile. This is then convoluted with the erythema spectrum, resulting in the biologically active UV radiation.

    UV Index plots are available showing:

    corresponding to the two UV index parameters described above.  To create the plots we divide the UV biologically effective dose rate by 0.025 W/m2 (i.e. multiplied by 40), resulting in the dimensionless UV index where one unit of measurement (ie the difference between UV Index X and X+1) represents 25mW/m2 of UVA and UVB radiation absorbed by the human skin.

    UV Index values are instantaneous, not cumulated.