
I want to download the variable "Mean temperature tendency due to parametrisations (paramld: 235005)" in model levels, which is described in the Table13 (ERA5: data documentation#Table13), but I find that it cannot be downloaded through the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import cdsapi
c = cdsapi.Client()
c.retrieve('reanalysis-era5-complete', { 
    'date'    : '2013-01-01',            
    'levelist': '1/10/100/137',          
    'levtype' : 'ml',
    'param'   : '235005',                
    'stream'  : 'oper',                 
    'time'    : '00/to/23/by/6',        
    'type'    : 'an',
    'area'    : '80/-50/-25/0',         
    'grid'    : '1.0/1.0',              
    'format'  : 'netcdf',                
}, 'file.nc')     

What puzzles me is when I change the 'param' to some other paramld, such as 130 (i.e. Temperature), there will be no error messages and the download is successful.

But as soon as I change to the paramld in Table13, it can't download normally with reporting "ERROR Message: the request you have submitted is not valid".

Have anyone met such a situation?  How can I fix this problem?


  1. Hi, 

    Try with  'type'    : 'fc',

    This parameter is only available in forecast (as indicated in table 13 of ERA5: data documentation). You might also find this page useful: ERA5 terminology: analysis and forecast; time and steps; instantaneous and accumulated and mean rates and min/max parameters

    Hope this helps!


    ECMWF Support

    1. Thank you!  I get it!