Hello. I'm trying to process data from the http://www.soda-pro.com/web-services/radiation/cams-radiation-service

Although I'm register and logged into my account I cannot acces the data and receive the following error.

Web service failed with error message:
Failed to execute WPS process [get_cams_radiation]: Dear User, thank you for your interest in the CAMS Radiation service provided by MINES ParisTech. The service has been developed with funding from the European Union's Copernicus Programme (CAMS project). The data policy imposed by the European Union in CAMS project is that users must be identified. Please, register yourself at www.soda-pro.com and specify your email in 'username' parameter.

This happens when I either try to acces the data on the web page as well as when I try to acces the data via the API. If I understand the error correctly, it seems that the system does not recognize that I am logged in? Any suggestions how to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance



  1. We have been informed by the SoDa service that due to a SoDa authentication technical issue following the SoDa servers upgrade on 3rd and 4th of November, the CAMS Radiation service and CAMS McClear service are currently not available (from the SoDa website). Their entire technical team is working on the issue to restore access as soon as possible. In the meantime, users are invited to access CAMS Radiation and McClear services via the ADS portalThe SoDa team sincerely apologizes for the inconvenience caused.

    ECMWF Support

    1. All right, thanks for the feedback.

  2. Hello Anabelle,

    I am having an issue to get clear sky data from the ADS Portal with error message being apparently related to SoDa service. Could this be linked to the issue you have indicated?

    I am a new user, I was able to retrieve data of same type for another location last week but it failed for this different location. Details of the request are just below.

    Thanks in advance,


    Request ID: a584c9f9-ca14-4b0b-bdd9-20280576efa8
    Sky Conditions:
    Cloud-free conditions only
    Latitude: 52.49183, Longitude: -9.48162
    2019-02-19 to 2021-09-29
    Time step:
    1 minute
    Time reference:
    Universal time

    Show error details

    No data is available within your requested subset

    Reason: Process executed. Failed to build final response for output [irradiation]: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/mnt/soda-prod/soda_production/helioclim/pywps-soda/wpsoutputs/irradiation-d01c504c-4160-11ec-a64a-bc97e153e1e6.csv'

  3. We have been informed by the SoDa team that the bug is fixed and the CAMS Radiation and McClear services work correctly today.

    If anyone is encountering difficulties downloading radiation data from the ADS, please contact us through our Support Portal HERE.

    ECMWF Support