Dear all,
I am using Snowfall and Snowmelt of ERA5-Land. First of all, I would like to ask, the document (ERA5-Land: data documentation, ERA5-Land: data documentation-Copernicus Knowledge Base-ECMWF Confluence Wiki) says "The accumulations in monthly means of daily means (stream=moda) have units that include 'per day'." If I need to calculate the total monthly snowfall and snowmelt in a certain month, do I need to multiply the extracted snowfall value and snowmelt value by the number of days in that month? In addition, when introducing snowmelt, "Melting of snow averaged over the grid box (to find melt over snow, divide by snow fraction)." means that the true value of snowmelt should be the value of snowmelt divided by the value of snowcover?


  1. Hi,

    regarding the first question, please have a look at the following link, (table 1, row 4,5 for ERA5-Land datasets) Conversion table for accumulated variables (total precipitation/fluxes)#Hydrologicalparametertable



    1. Thank you very much. I want to know whether snowfall and snowmelt in'ERA5-Land monthly averaged data' are also with the unit "per day" like 'Total precipitation', and when calculating the monthly cumulative snowfall and snowmelt, it needs to be multiplied by the number of days in the corresponding month. After calculating the monthly cumulative snowfall and snowmelt, calculate the annual cumulative snowfall and snowmelt using the cumulative method of snowfall and snowmelt for 12 months each year.

      1. Hi,

        these are the formulas from the table that you can apply to your hydrological parameters:

